Monday, March 26, 2012


Welcome to the first blog post. And since it's the first one, I thought it would be appropriate to do something concerning Top 10's.

So to start, here's ten random facts about me:

1. I am a huge coffee fanatic. Regular coffee when it's cold outside, iced coffee when it's warm.
2. I love to read. Actual books. I refuse to buy a Kindle until I'm left with no other choice.
3. You know that smell when you walk into a nice hotel? Yep, that's my pleasure smell.
4. Michigan and Appalachia are without a doubt my favorite places on earth.
5. I think early morning bike rides are the best. Nothing like getting up at 6 a.m. for a nice 20 mile ride (dead serious right here).
6. I find theology and American history very fascinating.
7. I am a superhero geek. Spider-man, Batman, Captain America, oh my.
8. I mostly listen to indie rock and contemporary Christian music although I have been known to listen to some dubstep here and there.
9. I enjoy eating breakfast for dinner. It's a known fact that waffles taste better in the evening.
10. I always dunk my Oreos under the milk until the bubbles come up.

Along with that, I'd like to share ten things that drive me crazy:

1. Chewing gum left on the sidewalk.
2. Made up car names that aren't even real words.
3. TV preachers who wear expensive suits, drive Mercedes, and always want more money.
4. When people put hope in politics to create lasting change. Do you put hope in Twinkies to create lasting health?
5. Hair strands left on bars of soap.
6. The sizes at Starbucks and Jamba Juice. No, it's not a "tall" or a "twelve". It's a small.
7. Corny Christian T-shirts and bumper stickers.
8. Chasing after a ping pong ball.
9. Churches that spend millions of dollars on buildings but leave evangelism and missions unfunded.
10. The sound of somebody playing with silverware on a plate. 

Now, here's 10 reasons why I think Christians should be the most thankful people out there.

1. By His grace and mercy, we have been adopted as sons and daughters by the King of the universe.
2. We have been saved from the penalty of sin.
3. We have true security and significance in Christ.
4. We are a part of a worldwide fellowship of spiritual brothers and sisters.
5. We are being saved from the power of sin.
6. We have a cause to live for here on earth. (Matthew 28:19)
7. We are engaged in a huge battle against a dangerous enemy... so life's never boring.
8. This world is not our eternal home.
9. We will be saved from the presence of sin someday soon.
10. Because Jesus has conquered death, we will too!

And this is just the start of all that we should be grateful for.
Here is one suggestion concerning how we should align our hearts, words, and actions regarding thankfulness to God: Always be thankful to God in ALL circumstances for ALL of His blessings.