Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Gospel > Politics

There once was a time when almost every person in America acknowledged the Ten Commandments as the cornerstone of ethics and morality. Today, most Americans can’t even name three of them. There was also a time when Americans disapproved of acts such as adultery, divorce, homosexuality, and obscene language.

How times have changed.

In less than fifty years' time, America has adopted a distinctly anti-Christian attitude and agenda. Christian principles? Gone, with equal rights, tolerance, and separation of church and state in it's place. Not to mention the growth of immoral things like pornography and abortion.

As John MacArthur puts it "America’s moral decline is a spiritual problem, not a political one, and its solution is the gospel, not partisan politics."

Too many Americans, Christians even, look to politics to deal with these problems in America. And that is most certainly not what we need to be focusing on. Instead, we need to be focusing on the gospel. Here are ten reasons why:

1. Politics change. The gospel doesn’t (Matthew 24:35.)
2. The gospel will transform our politics, not vice versa (Romans 12:1,2.)
3. It’s what Jesus calls us to do (Acts 1:6-8.)
4. We are citizens of a different kingdom (Philippians 3:20.)
5. It’s what the early church focused on (Acts 4:23-31.)
6. It attacks the root of evil and not just the fruit of it (Romans 1:16.)
7. Politics can divide the body of Christ while the gospel will unite us. (Philippians 1:27)
8. The gospel calls us to pray for politicians we disagree with, not hate them (1 Timothy 2:1-4.)
9. The gospel brings political action soaked in love and humility, not pride and arrogance (Romans 13:1-8.)
10. Politics are a reflection of the moral compass of a society. The gospel gives society a new compass that is accurate (Titus 3:1-5.)

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