Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's Time For a Revolution. Are You In?

Lately, revolution has gone from a simmer to a boil in my soul. Yes, revolution. But the revolution I’m talking about is not political (although it could have political impact). It is not moral (although it could lead to moral reformation). No, the revolution I’m talking about is the revolution of the soul that can only come through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So with that said, it doesn't take a genius to realize that are issues with Christianity in America today. I know I've said it before, but here in America our gospel is watered down. It sounds harsh, but many of you know it's true. We have drained the lifeblood of Christianity and replaced it with Kool-Aid, i.e if you pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart, He will definitely come in. Friends, you will not find this "sinner's prayer" anywhere in Scripture. And if you look back in history, you won't find that appearing until about 60 years ago. The Christian faith is not a once-and-for all flu shot. Kool-Aid bears a resemblance to blood (at least if its red). They share several similarities, and if you need something that looks like blood, perhaps for a play or a costume, Kool-Aid may be a good substitute. However, if someone is dying on a table in the emergency room, they are not going to infuse them with Kool-Aid (not even the red kind). Simply put, Kool-Aid does not have the power of life. Many people are being led into a decision with very little knowledge of the Gospel. Trusting in a decision rather than looking onto Christ. Living in ungodliness and believing that they are saved because some religious authority told them that they were after they prayed a little prayer. If we are to be the body of Christ, once dead but now alive, that Christ by his blood has made a new creation, then only the real gospel will do. Truly, the gospel is the lifeblood of Christianity. It is the very center of the story. The heartbeat of the Bible is Christ, and the gospel is the blood that flows through every vein of the story. The promise shows up in Genesis 3:15 and finds its fulfillment in Revelation 21-22.
Keeping that in mind, I also want to say that with the path this country is headed down today, I personally think that we're only a few Supreme Court Justices away from being a nation where saying that “Jesus is the only way” will be considered, not just intolerant, but illegal. I believe that this “don’t you dare say that” philosophy in this country will bleed over into the subject of evangelism sooner rather than later. All I’m saying by this particular prediction is that I believe that the next big target by the secular community toward the church will be evangelism. I think that perhaps it'll all be cloaked in nice little explanations that sound harmless but underneath will be the bottom line premise that evangelism is hate speech. And that will inevitably lead to social and political action toward those who are willing to share the true gospel.
And as for those people that are willing to go out and give people a full picture of the Gospel, all I want to say is expect some hardcore persecution.
Am I freaked out? Nope. Personally, I think that more persecution would be good for the body of Christ. We have gotten soft as a church in America and we could use a little toughening up, okay a lot of toughening up. I have friends who have recently started the P90X workout program (and yes, from what they tell me, it's as intense as the infomercials indicate.) They are up at 5am and are getting their behinds kicked for a full hour six days a week. Persecution is the kind of like the P90X of the church. It will help us lose the fat of carnality, build our heart rate as we love Jesus and others (especially our enemies) and rip our spiritual muscles out. Why do you think the early church was so spiritually chiseled? They were chased, beaten, crucified and flogged.
So I do believe it's time for a revolution. And where does revolution take place? Well, before it spills over into the streets, it boils over in the soul. When Gypsy Smith, a revolutionary & evangelist from Britain, was asked by a young pastor, “How do I start a revival at my church? his answer was powerful. He replied, “Go home and get a piece of chalk. Go into your closet and draw a circle on the floor. Kneel down in the middle of the circle and ask God to start the revival inside the chalk mark. When He has answered your prayer, the revival has begun.”
What I have begun to realize is that revolution will not start with big arena events like Passion & Dare 2 Share. It will start with one adult, one college student, and one teenager with a piece of chalk. In other words, it will start when you and I choose to live the revolution, to be the revolution in our own homes, neighborhood, schools, and work places. Just like God whittled down an army of 32,000 to 300 (read Judges) so that he could show himself powerful in defeating an army that probably numbered in the hundreds of thousands, God desires to use small squadrons of spiritual revolutionaries to beat down the overwhelming forces of the Evil One that stand against them.
We have everything we need for revolution. For revival. Instead of activating the Spirit’s work through us by faith (aka “revival”) we sing, pray and fast under the pretense of “waiting” on God to do something. Meanwhile He is waiting on us to believe that we have everything we need for life and godliness and to walk in the revival that is already ours through Christ. Let’s live the revival that was purchased through the cross of Christ, energized through His resurrection and delivered into our hands at the moment of salvation through the Holy Spirit.
I am convinced that this country will never be transformed from the outside in (i.e. politics or moral reformation) but from the inside out (spiritual transformation.) Thoreau once said, “For every hundred hacking at the leaves of evil, one hacks at the root.” Friends, only the gospel of Christ hacks at the root of evil that lurks in all of our hearts. We must love, serve and share the good news with everyone while we still can. And if or when it becomes illegal we must share all the more.
Are you tired with what American Christianity has to offer? You say you want a revolution? Well here we go. But be warned. Like every true revolution this one comes with a pricetag…everything.
Following Jesus will cost you your life. But Jesus is worth it.

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