Monday, November 12, 2012

Lord, Lord, Didn't We…

Matthew 7 is probably one of the scariest, if not the scariest, passages in all of Scripture. The most horrific word in this passage isn't hell. It isn't fire, everlasting, darkness, gloom, or torment. In fact, none of those words appear in this passage. The most frightening word is indeed many. Jesus says, "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" (Matthew 7:22).
This is judgment day. This is the end. There are no second chances. This is the last peaceful breath that many will breathe before they spend eternity in hell. Put yourself there for a second. Fast-forward your life to that day. Will you sound like the many who will call out in desperation, “Lord, Lord, did I not  __________  and __________  and  __________ in Your name?”
How will Jesus respond to your laundry list of Christian activities–your Easter services, "tithes", Bible studies, church potlucks, and summer-camp conversions? Are you sure you’re on the right side? What evidence do you have that you know Jesus? Please understand my heart. I believe I'm asking these questions for the same reason that Jesus gives the warning. It’s the most loving thing I can do. “Many” will go to hell even though they thought they’d waltz into paradise. Jesus will say, “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matt. 7:23).
Just as this passage makes clear, your profession of faith is no proof that you’re truly in the faith. Heck, mostly everybody in this whole country professes faith in Jesus Christ. If I went out to knock on every door in my city, do you know what I would find out? That probably around 85% of people here believe themselves to be believers. With most of them probably not concerned about serving. Not giving a hoot about holiness. Not a worry about being separated from the world. And yet they claim to be Christian.

Once again, what evidence do you have that you know Jesus?
That you go to a Sunday worship service every week? That you "give 10%" regularly? That you sing loudly and jump at Christian concerts? Once again, that's a laundry list of Christian activities. Or how about this: That you prayed a sinner's prayer one time? I don't think so. The Christian faith is not a once-and-for all flu shot.
What you need to know is that salvation is by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ. And faith alone in Jesus Christ is preceded and followed by repentance . . . a turning away from sin, a hatred for the things that God hates and a love for the things that God loves, a growing in holiness and a desire not be like the world, but to be like Christ. The evidence––the way that you can have assurance that you are genuinely a born-again Christian––is that there was not just one time in your life that you repented unto salvation, but that you continue repenting today and continue growing in repentance. That you do, as a style of life, the will of the Father. And no I'm not saying that works will save you. Our works are like filthy rags. I'm talking about the evidence of faith. Works will be that evidence. After all, as James says, faith without works is dead.
Examine yourself. Take the Word of God and what the Word of God says about a true Christian, and examine yourself in light of it. And if you fall short of the test, repent and believe. Throw yourself upon the mercy of Christ. Cry out to Him until a work is done.

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